Watch all three webinars in the series, "Integrating Tools to Improve Healthcare Outcomes Through Effective Communication." Available in English, Spanish, American Sign Language
Each webinar features both health care provider and consumer (patient) perspectives. Each also features the Communication Access Tool, designed by the project for use by both healthcare providers and consumers across healthcare systems and settings. The webinars and Communication Access Tool specifically address the significant difficulties pepole with communication challenges face when seeking healthcare across settings.
Improving Health Care Outcomes Through Effective Communication was funded by Ability Central Philanthrophy in 2024, enabling CERV to collaborate with other organizations, individuals and groups concerned about communicaoitn access issues across healthcare settings. Materials are now available at Watch for updates
This collaboration of partners is committed to making healthcare settings more accessible and responsive to the needs of patients and providers who face disabiities (hearing, seeing, speaking, learning, understanding, remembering AND moving) and other challenges (language, cultural, etc.) access healthcare across the age span.
Whether you are a healcare profesisonal, patient advocate or someone interested in healthcare improvement for all, learn how to use innovative communication tools to improve healtcare experiences and outcomes. Explore the project’s Communication Access Tool, designed to support healthcare providers in delivering more inclusive care.
The webinars provide valuable insighs and practical tools to enhance communicaiton effectiveness.
Whether you are a healthcare professional, patient advocate, or someone interested in healthcare improvement, this webinar will provide valuable insights and practical tools to enhance communication effectiveness.