This is an emergency resource and community website for residents of Monterey, CA. Get involved to build resiliency and disaster preparedness in our community! This site is managed by CERV of the Monterey Peninsula and our community partners.
In the fall of 2015, with funding from the Community Foundation for Monterey County, we started a Monterey County branch of the community disaster preparedness and relief program called Recovers. Through this program, we have a website that matches needs and resources and serves as a central hub to connect residents, organizations, and local government agencies in the aftermath of serious emergencies and disasters.
Emergency Information
General Info
Fire Department:Â 831-646-3900
Police Department:Â 831-646-3914
Link to Resources for the Soberanes Fire:Â Soberanes Fire Resources
Link to Soberanes Fire Resources in Spanish
In 2016, CERV is continuing to provide training and support to Recovers Squads. Squad members are reaching out to community organizations, churches, businesses to offer emergency preparedness information. Also, we are planning to conduct a table top drill in 2016. Check out our Recovers Page: