How We've Helped

Who Benefits from CERV’s Projects and Activities
Below is a list of organizations, agencies, individuals, groups and communities that CERV of the Monterey Peninsula has helped over the years.
Improving Healthcare Outcomes Through Effective Communication
Grant from Ability Central Philanthropy
The Community Emergency Response Volunteers of the Monterey Peninsula (CERV) received a grant of $75,000 to impact healthcare outcomes for people with disabilities through enhanced communication access. The Community Emergency Response Volunteers of the Monterey Peninsula (CERV) is partnering with Ability Central, the Patient Provider Communication Network, the Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies, and other participating organizations/“subject experts”, who represent people with disabilities and disparate lived experiences. For bios of our team, click here.
This project will directly address accessibility issues related to today’s lack of access to healthcare for many individuals with diverse communication challenges. The grant will help us begin to reorganize, diversify, and augment relevant resources in ways that make information more accessible to all individuals with disabilities and those who support them. Through networking, new materials, and collaborative events, CERV’s partnership with Ability Central aims to set a new standard for empowering individuals and healthcare providers alike in ways that help ensure that everyone has the means to communicate effectively in times of need. For more information click here.

MPUSD / CERV Family Housing Support Project
The Community Emergency Response Volunteers (CERV) of the Monterey Peninsula continues to work with MPUSC on the MPUSD/CERV Family housing Support Project. We recently received a 2024 grant from the Community Foundation for Monterey Peninsula (CFMC) ($50,000). In 2023 we received a $50,000 start up grant from Payette River Foundation and a $20,000 grant from CFMC. CERV is working with MPUSD staff. Since June 2023, the project has been able to support 17 families, who have experienced housing insecurities, to get into permanent housing. Donnie Everett, Assistant Superintendent, Multi-Tiered systems of Support, MPUSC, directs this project. CERV also provided disaster preparedness training to some of the students. Trainers were CERV V Advisory Council members Harvey Pressman, Carolyne Profeta, and Greg Profeta. The Profeta's are co-captains of the Carmel Valley CERT program. For more information, contact Sarah Blackstone, CERV Board @ cerv501c3@gmail.com2023
LISTOS 3.0 PROJECT: Disaster Preparedness in Monterey County CERV received a Listos California Target grant for Monterey County from the California Office of Emergency Services (June 2023-Dec 2024).
Project Director, Harvey Pressman, a CERV Advisory Council member, has led all of our Listos projects. The Listos 2.0 state-wide LISTO project is also underway (June 2022-December 2023). CERV’s sub-grantees partners for Listos 3.0 are Mujeres en Accion, Special Kids Connect, Pajaro Valley Prevention and Student Services (PVPSS). Subgrantees for Listos 2.0 also included the Fire Safe Council and ITN (Independent Transportation Network) of Monterey County.
For more information, go to Learn about the project and our subgrantees:
- In the Aftermath of the floods: Recovery and Resilience in Monterey County (highlights Mujeres en Accion and Special Kids Connect) by Lubna Mohammad, July 2023.
- CERV Disaster Prep Partner puts its own House in Order. By Special Kids Connect:
- Firewise USA Program: Firewise Communities USA:
- ITN: Pivoting Smartly in the Face of Disaster: A Monterey Non-profit Broadens its Reach. By Luna Mohammad, July 2023.
The Community Foundation for Monterey County awarded CERV a grant of $50,000 in early 2023 to help individuals and families to recover from the storms, targeting those in farm working communities. CERV collaborated with Laurel Lee-Alexander (CFMCO), Colby Pereira and Laura Penera (Braga Fresh Farms) to identify 169 families and distributed $300 checks. The checks were handed out January 27, 2023, less than one week after receiving the grant.
Read more about this project
California Storm Damage Relief – Supporting those in the county who help keep our communities fed.
The Community Foundation for Monterey County also awarded CERV a grant of $30,000 to support people impacted by floods/mudslides in the Salinas Valley area in April, 2023. CERV distributed 60 checks of $500 to families significantly impacted, with help from our LISTOS subgrantees Mujeres en Accion and Special Kids Connect who identified those most in need.
The California Fire Foundation awarded CERV a $15,000 grant to support recovery efforts in the Salinas Valley during April/May. Once again, CERV worked with our subgrantees (Mujeres en Accion, Special Kids Connect) to identify families in need and distribute 30 checks ($500 each) to help these families recover.

The United Way, Monterey County and the Community Foundation for Monterey County awarded CERV grants to work with the non-profit, Supporting Resilient Communities. is SRC’s web portal that Monterey county used that enabled us to work collaboratively help individuals, agencies, organizations locate information, items, and support that enabled non-profits, individuals, and government agencies to provide relief to those in need, during and after a disaster struck Monterey County. During 2023, the new site was developed and launched. Initial beta/field testing is ongoing and will address accessibility and language, as well as usability issues.
Initial funds for this exciting program were received from a private foundation ($50,000) in July, 2023. Another $20,000 grant was received for the project from the Community Foundation of Monterey County in December. During 2023, 11 families with children enrolled in MPUSD are now housed. And, multiple supports provided by MPUSD staff are being provided to these students and their families. CERV also enjoyed providing a mini-disaster preparedness workshop during one of their lunches. We talked with high school students who are participating. Carolyne and Greg Profeta, Sarah Blackstone and Harvey Pressman participated alongside several MPUSD staff members, most importantly, these young women and men who are working toward their high school diplomas.
The Westin Call Fund awarded CERV a grant for Big Sur CERT of $2,700 in October, 2023. With congratulations and appreciation of their CERT program, these monies were provided to Martha Karstens, Co-captain of Big Sur CERT.
The Community Foundation of Monterey County recognized Martha Karsten at a September event. Martha donated $1,250 of her award to CERV with a designation that we send a check to Big Sur CERT, which was done the very next day.
Community Foundation for Monterey County
CERV of the Monterey Peninsula has provided support for relief and emergency assistance related to Carmel Fire victims, thanks to a grant of $38,000 from the Community Fund For Carmel Valley of the Community Foundation for Monterey County. This was the second round of their generous efforts to help.
CERV of the Monterey Peninsula recently obtained a grant from the Community Foundation for Monterey County of $120,000 to support families in need of relief from mudslides and debris flow caused by the River Fire in Monterey County. We will be distributing funds in May, 2021.
Cal-Fire Foundation
CERV also obtained a $10,000 grant from the Cal-Fire Foundation recently to support victims devastated by storms, debris flow and mudslides in Monterey County. We will also distribute these funds in May, 2021.
Monterey County Gives! Campaign
Through the annual Monterey County Gives campaign CERV of the Monterey Peninsula has $5,500 to help support the ongoing work of our non-profit partners.
Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Support
The Carmel Gives Fund of the Community grant (c/o Community Foundation for Monterey County) provided CERV with $2,000 to provide electricity to Carmel's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) container in Sunset Center’s north parking lot. The work was completed.
CERV submitted a grant on May 3, 2021 for funding to improve the CERT emergency communications systems by purchasing equipment for Monterey and Pacific Grove Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT programs).
Listos, CA

- CERV helped raise over $50,000.00 for basic needs of undocumented women during the pandemic for food, rent, utilities and basics needs.
- 15 CERV-funded non-profits pivoted to pandemic support. The state of California allowed emergency readiness grantees to spend up to 40% of their CERV budgets on immediate pandemic needs of their constituents. Grantees helped clients survive by providing basic need relief.
- The CERV Listos project created 13 disaster readiness modules for its' grantees.
- Eight CERV Grantees created app-based organizational disaster plans.
- CERV helped raise $21,000.00 for homeless women living in cars.
- CERV grantees distributed over 3,000 masks in county nursing homes and other elderly facilities.
- CERV-funded non-profits surpassed over $100,000.00 in pandemic relief.
- CERV writers helped document progress for local emergency readiness grantees.
- CERV produced two online emergency readiness seminars that each reached over 100 participants.
PG&E Community Resilience Program
CERV received the PG&E Resilient Communities grant in 2020 which focuses on the critical issue of wildfire risk. To that end, PG&E funded four $100,000 grants that build community capacity to reduce wildfire risk and support healthy and resilient forests and watersheds.
Monterey County Gives! Campaign 2020
CERV is participating in the 2020 Monterey County Gives campaign to support our Big Idea for 2021, which is to build community preparedness, recovery and resilience beyond COVID-19. Vulnerable residents are most seriously impacted by disasters and community based organizations can help them prepare and recover. CERV works with families throughout Monterey County, representing all ages, language groups, people with disabilities/access and functional needs and people who face significant socio-economic challenged.
Monterey Recovers Program
CERV of the Monterey Peninsula supported matchmaking efforts for those impacted by the River Fire, the Carmel Valley Fire and the Dolan Fire. This is an ongoing project. CERV has already responded to specific 35 requests from residents impacted by the fires and many needs were met. We are still actively working on 10 separate efforts. 140 people offered donations and 180 people offered to volunteer within 1 month.
- Managing requests and recruiting organizations to participate
- Responding to simple and complex circumstances with help from partners
- Documenting distribution of gift cards from NPS, DLI and other groups
- Making efforts to coordinate with people employed by MCOES, Social Services, Health, American Red Cross and Evacuation Centers.
- Developing promotional materials to support awareness and participation.
- Enabling grass roots involvement and community building efforts. For example, a professor, Captain Natalie Poggemeyer, Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) professor, collected money from the NPS and DLI communities. Then purchased about $1,200 worth of gift cards. Gigi Dominguez, employed by Social Services, distributed the cards (on her own time) to more than 30 families who had submitted needs through
- Working with partners to address requests from, Valley Bible Church, and other entities to support people recovering from 2020 fires.
- Promoting partnerships with Monterey county agencies, non-profits, government entities and businesses.
Community Foundation for Monterey County
CERV submitted for and was awarded a grant for $30,000.00 from the Community Foundation for Monterey County. This grant is aimed at helping support those impacted by the fires in the Monterey County community. For example, visa debit cards are being distributed to help support those in need ($300/individual and $500 family) through CERV's partnership with Orville Myers, Pastor at the Valley Bible Church. In the first two weeks 78 people were reached and close to $20,000 was distributed. CERV also has responded to other requests through and has provided 2 generators, some money for a deposit for student housing and medical supplies. In addition, CERV is identifying needs through its Listos network of organizations servicing the most vulnerable populations. 73% report they have clients impacted by the fires.
- Working with partners to address requests from people impacted by the fires who
Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Support
- Provided Carmel CERT with equipment and radios.
- Helped support training for new CERT volunteers in Big Sur area
- Working with local and state to identify alternative ways and increase access to provide CERT training in the county
PG&E Community Resilience Program

Big Sur CERT
Monterey CERT

Generator Project
Overhauled and distributed two generators to individuals impacted by the fires in Monterey County. CERV also obtained a third generator and will be seeking more.
Big Sur International Marathon
Monterey CERT / CERV Summer BBQ
Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula Safety Fair

- Partner. AFN Working Group.
- Grant from Church Mouse. Increase CERT participation for senior citizens in Monterey County
Monterey County Gives! Campaign 2019

CERT collaboration – Monterey, Pacific Grove, South County, Marina, Seaside, Salinas, CalFire, Santa Cruz CERT instructors > Collaboration; Community Resilience – Preparedness, Relief Recovery
Project focused on Disaster Cycle Persons with Access and Functional Needs (AFN): Access to Communication, Safety, Health, Transportation, Mobility, Independence > Information exchange, Collaboration, Community Resilience – Preparedness, Relief and Recover
Monterey Gives video project underway as well as other activities related to people with AFN
Website and social media > Information exchange enhanced
Big Sur Marathons, July 4th parade and booth, Safety Fairs, Disaster events for general public > Collaboration, Information exchange, Community Resilience – Preparedness
AAA, CERV, OES AFN Working group collaboration. 5,000 backpacks to organizations representing people with disabilities/access and functional needs in Monterey County > Preparedness, Information exchange, Community Resilience, Collaboration
AFN Working group (CERV, ARC, MCOES, CCCIL, United Way, CCFM). Meeting monthly.
CERV to report to California Disaster Coalition report on Monterey County AFN Working Group activities.
Recovers Project – Soberanes Fire – Big Sur > Disaster Relief and Recovery / Community Resilience
Monterey, Pacific Grove, Carmel CERT Wish list project – Neighborhoods > Equipment
Red Cross Disaster Service Award to CERV member > Collaboration, Community Resilience
Workshops – Red Cross > Training
Website and social media > Information
CERT collaboration/Teen CERT – Monterey, Pacific Grove, South County, Marina, Seaside, Salinas, CalFire CERT instructor, Santa Cruz CERT instructors > Collaboration; Community Resilience – Preparedness, Relief Recovery
Big Sur Marathons, July 4th parade and booth, Safety Fairs, Disaster events for general public > Collaboration, Information exchange, Community Resilience - Preparedness
Early Action Mobile Units - Monterey, PG, Carmel, South County, Marina, Seaside, Big Sur, Cachagua CERT programs > Community Resilience/ Equipment
Label Maker Project - Monterey CERT > Equipment
Monterey, Pacific Grove, Carmel CERT Wish list project – Neighborhoods > Equipment
Recovers website – Soberanes Fire – Big Sur Community and residents > Community Resilience - Relief/Recovery
Website and social media > Information exchange
Big Sur Marathons, July 4th parade and booth, Safety Fairs, Disaster events for general public > Collaboration, Information exchange, Community Resilience - Preparedness
Recovers Project – Training volunteers > Community Resilience – Relief, Recovery
Workshops (Meals on Wheels) > Training - Preparedness
Monterey CERT Wish list project > Equipment
Website and Video development > Information exchange
Big Sur Marathons, July 4th parade and booth, Safety Fairs, Disaster events for general public > Collaboration, Information exchange, Community Resilience - Preparedness
Recovers Project – CERT programs, Monterey Fire, PG City, Marina Fire, Seaside Fire > Community Resilience – Relief, Recovery
Monterey, Carmel, Pacific Grove CERT programs > Equipment
Workshops (GoBags for Grandmas), Kinship Center Alliance on Aging ) > Training - Preparedness
Website, Facebook > Information exchange
Big Sur Marathons, July 4th parade and booth, Safety Fairs, Disaster events for citizens, visitors, >Collaboration, Information exchange, Community Resilience - Preparedness
Pacific Grove CERT Team > Equipment
Monterey Cert Teams >Equipment
Workshops (GoBags for Grandma) - Kinship Center > Training- Preparedness
4 free CERV Seminars, ~ 150 attended – Individuals and first responders from Monterey, Seaside, Marina, Carmel >Training- Preparedness
Solar Panel Project, Feasibility study – Monterey CERT > Equipment
Inventory Project - Monterey, Carmel, PG CERT programs > Equipment
Website - Design, start up. Community resource > Information exchange
Big Sur Marathons, July 4th parade and booth, Safety Fairs, Disaster events for general public > Collaboration, Information exchange, Community Resilience - Preparedness