CERV Webinars and Video Resources: Disaster Preparedness

CERV Webinars and Video Resources: Disaster Preparedness

Posted by Sarah Blackstone on

CERV Webinar and YouTube Resources: Disaster Preparedness

CERV has compiled an extensive collection of archived “zoominars” (webinars on Zoom) and videos on a variety of topics related to disaster and emergency preparedness. The pages that follow describe each one and provide a handy way to link up to the ones you are most interested in checking out. The last four pages include videos that incorporate captioning and/or American Sign Language interpretation.

I. Zoominars from CERV

Disaster and Emergency Readiness Training for People with Disabilities and People with Access and Functional Needs (AFN)

This Zoominar focuses on the needs of those with disabilities and/or access and functional needs and is led by Sarah Blackstone with support from Elsa Quezada, CEO, Central Coast Center for Independent Living (ret.). Sarah Blackstone, Ph.D., CCC-SLP; is a Speech-language Pathologist; Monterey CERT Zone Captain; Founding Member, Monterey County Office of Emergency Services Access and Functional Needs Working Group; United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Co-chair, Disaster Relief Committee/Past President; Central Coast American Red Cross Disaster Services Hero, 2017.

  • Workshop video available here.
  • Slides from Workshop available here.

Videos shown in workshop:

Health & Communications Passports for Emergency Preparedness

Click here for more information on Health and Communications Passports for Emergency Preparedness on CERV.

Click here for a video of the webinar on Health and Communications Passports by CERV.  

This webinar focuses on two kinds of passports that could prove especially helpful to children, adults, elders and those with disabilities during disasters, emergencies and the aftermath. Health and Communication Passports are tools for communication and information sharing. These documents can also have significant value in non-emergency situations like visits to a clinic or health practitioner, interactions with police officers, home visits from nurses, communications with elderly care personnel and many more. Whether when a natural disaster strikes or you are just going to a medical appointment, communication is a crucial component. Preparing these two types of passports in advance can prevent communication breakdowns or confusion because clear and efficient information is present and can make a difference to safety, health and comfort under trying circumstances. These passports share some similarities, but also reflect some important differences. This video includes templates that can be used for your Health & Communication passports and reviews the kind of information that should be included.

Health and Communication Passport CERV Webinar 

8/26/2020 – - As highlighted in previous videos, the importance of emergency preparedness has become even more apparent due to recent natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Video available here

English Video here

Health and Communication Passport CERV Meeting - 8/26/2020 - Spanish Video here: Ya sea un terremoto, una inundación, un incendio, un huracán, un tsunami, un deslizamiento de tierra o cualquier otro desastre natural o provocado por el hombre que pueda imaginar, las personas con discapacidades y los más vulnerables a menudo son olvidados. Aprenda a cuidar y ayudar a sus vecinos en tiempos de crisis. A través de los Voluntarios de Respuesta a Emergencias Comunitarias de la Península de Monterey en asociación con Listos California, le traemos este taller informativo sobre cómo prepararse para situaciones de emergencia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rmK9ILxwN8

PDF of workshop here:

Full presentation available here: https://www.cerv501c3.org/pages/health-communication-passport-for-emergency-preparedness

Health Passport Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1erY9tb9C7o

Communication Passports at the Sunyani Unit School - Ghana : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whCNPDr7vIg

Communication With First Responders During Emergencies and Disasters

This video describes (1) the communication barriers first responders face during emergencies and disasters, (2) how they have learned to respond and (3) the valuable tools available to help overcome these barriers. It can be useful both for first responders themselves, as well as for people who need to be better prepared to make themselves understood if or when disaster strikes. Can be located under:


Emergency Preparedness for Everyone Preparación para emergencias para todos (CERV) This disaster preparedness guide from the California Listos program serves as a resource for you and your loved ones to prepare to respond to various types of disasters you may face, such as floods, fires, earthquakes, power outages, and more.

Esta nueva guía de preparación para desastres del programa Listos de California sirve como un recurso para que usted y sus queridos puedan prepararse para responder a varios topos de desastres que puedan enfrentarse, como las inundaciones, incendios, terremotos, cortes de energía, entre otros. The archived webinar is available here. El video del taller está disponible aquí: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp7UMH7nGdI&feature=emb_title

Descargue la guía gratuita en español AQUI.

The Disaster Ready Guide from the California Listos program packs a lot in to its 19 pages, and is as good a brief introductory guide to the many aspects of disaster preparedness as you are likely to find.

It keeps things simple, boils them down, and covers a lot of territory in plain language. Includes lots of tips for various circumstances, pages on floods, wildfires, earthquakes and power outages, go bags, stay kits, etc., etc. CERV’s webinar focusing on the Disaster Ready Guide can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp7UMH7nGdI

Download the Free English Language Guide HERE. 

Download the Free Spanish Guide HERE. 

Download the Free Tagalog Guide HERE. 

Download the Free Hmong Guide HERE. 

Download the Free Korean Guide HERE.  

Download the Free Vietnamese Guide HERE.  

Download the Free Cantonese Guide HERE. 

CERV’s YouTube channel. 

The Full PDF

To view/download/print the complete PDF, click here. 

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